//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of a MPS algorithm via PC-tree. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "mps.h" // #define DEBUG //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONSTRUCTOR //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- node::node(node_type t) { _type = t; _label = pair(INT_MAX, NOT_VISITED); _neighbor[0] = _neighbor[1] = 0; _AE_root[0] = _AE_root[1] = 0; _original_node = 0; _c_node = 0; _parent = 0; _post_order_index = INT_MAX; _node_id = INT_MAX; _mark = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TYPE, ID, INDEX //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- node_type node::type() {return _type;} int node::post_order_index() {return _post_order_index;} void node::set_id(int i) {_node_id = i;} void node::set_post_order_index(int i) {_post_order_index = i;} //Only used when consturcting c-node //The first node calling this function would not be labeled. void node::recursively_labeling() { for (int i = 0; i < _children.size(); ++i) { _children[i]->_label.second = ARTIFICIAL_EDGE; _children[i]->recursively_labeling(); } } int node::node_id() {return _node_id;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DFS-TREE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void node::add_adj(node* n) {_adj_list.push_back(n);} int node::degree() {return _adj_list.size();} node* node::adj(int i) {return _adj_list[i];} void node::set_adj_list(vector vec) {_adj_list = vec;} void node::DFS_visit(vector &dfsList, int &index) { mark(); for (int i = 0; i < _adj_list.size(); ++i) { if (!_adj_list[i]->is_marked()) { _adj_list[i]->_parent = this; _adj_list[i]->DFS_visit(dfsList, index); } } set_post_order_index(index); dfsList.push_back(this); ++index; } void node::guided_DFS_visit(vector &dfsList, vector &node_list, int &index, vector rev_post_order) { mark(); // purpose of this block: create list of neighbors vector neighbor_list; for (int i = 0; i < _adj_list.size(); ++i) { // we get the neighbors via _adj_list // we get the id's of the neighbor nodes, then we use the id's to get the actual nodes via node_list // node_list maps id to the actual node neighbor_list.push_back(node_list[_adj_list[i]->node_id()]); } for (int i = 0; i < neighbor_list.size(); ++i) { if (!neighbor_list[i]->is_marked()) { neighbor_list[i]->_parent = this; neighbor_list[i]->guided_DFS_visit(dfsList, node_list, index, rev_post_order); } } set_post_order_index(index); dfsList.push_back(this); ++index; } void node::mutated_DFS_visit(vector &dfsList, vector &node_list, int &index, vector rev_post_order, int &mutate_point) { // mark current node mark(); // purpose of this block: create list of neighbors vector neighbor_list; for (int i = 0; i < _adj_list.size(); ++i) { // we get the neighbors via _adj_list // we get the id's of the neighbor nodes, then we use the id's to get the actual nodes via node_list // node_list maps id to the actual node neighbor_list.push_back(node_list[_adj_list[i]->node_id()]); } // since we increment the index before this line, the current index is "index - 1" // if the current index matches the mutate_point, then we know this is the cycle to mutate if (index - 1 == mutate_point) { // Create a random number generator and seed it // std::cout << "mutated at index: " << index - 1<< "and at mutate point: " << mutate_point << std::endl; std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 rng(rd()); // Use std::shuffle to shuffle the elements in the vector std::shuffle(neighbor_list.begin(), neighbor_list.end(), rng); } for (int i = 0; i < neighbor_list.size(); ++i) { if (!neighbor_list[i]->is_marked()) { neighbor_list[i]->_parent = this; neighbor_list[i]->mutated_DFS_visit(dfsList, node_list, index, rev_post_order, mutate_point); } } set_post_order_index(index); dfsList.push_back(this); ++index; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PARENT-CHILDREN //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int node::child_num() {return _children.size();} node* node::child(int i) {return _children[i];} node* node::parent() {return _parent;} void node::clear_children() { _children.clear(); } void node::remove_child(int i) { _children[i] = _children[_children.size()-1]; _children.resize(_children.size()-1); } void node::remove_child(node* n) { for (int i = 0; i < _children.size(); ++i) { if (_children[i] == n) { _children[i] = _children[_children.size()-1]; _children.resize(_children.size()-1); } } } void node::add_child(node* n) { _children.push_back(n); } vector* node::get_children_list() { vector* ptr = new vector(_children); return ptr; } void node::set_parent(node* n) { _parent= n; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BOUNDARY_PATH //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void node::set_to_boundary_path(node* n0, node* n1) { _parent = 0; _children.clear(); _neighbor[0] = n0; _neighbor[1] = n1; set_2nd_label(BOUNDARY_PATH); } node* node::get_next(node* prev) { if (_neighbor[0] != prev) return _neighbor[0]; else return _neighbor[1]; } node* node::neighbor(int i) {return _neighbor[i];} void node::set_neighbor(int i, node* n) {_neighbor[i] = n;} void node::set_neighbor(node* u, node* v) { _neighbor[0] = u; _neighbor[1] = v; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ARTIFICIAL EDGE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- node* node::AE(int i) {return _AE_root[i];} void node::set_AE(int i, node* j) { _AE_root[i] = j; if (j != 0) j->set_parent(this); } void node::add_AE(node* j) { if (j == 0) return; if (_AE_root[0] == 0) set_AE(0, j); else if (_AE_root[1] == 0) set_AE(1, j); } //Inherit u's artificial edge. void node::inherit_AE(node* u) { if (u->_AE_root[0] != 0) add_AE(u->_AE_root[0]); if (u->_AE_root[1] != 0) add_AE(u->_AE_root[1]); u->_AE_root[0] = u->_AE_root[1] = 0; } //Set itself to be an AE-root-node in u. //Inherite u's chilren-list. //Do nothing if u does not have any children. void node::init_AE(node* u) { if (u->child_num() == 0) return; _children = u->_children; u->clear_children(); for (int i = 0; i < _children.size(); ++i) { _children[i]->set_parent(this); } set_parent(u); set_1st_label(_children[0]->get_1st_label()); set_2nd_label(ARTIFICIAL_EDGE); u->add_AE(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPLICA //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- node* node::original_node() {return _original_node;} node* node::get_c_node() {return _c_node;} void node::set_c_node(node* c) {_c_node = c;} bool node::is_sentinel() {return type() == REPLICA_NODE;} //Check if n1 and n2 correspond to the same node bool node::is_same(node* n1, node* n2) { node* s1 = (n1->type() == REPLICA_NODE)? n1->original_node() : n1; node* s2 = (n2->type() == REPLICA_NODE)? n2->original_node() : n2; return s1 == s2; } //Set itself to be a replica-node of u in c. //Only inherit some basic setting, not including info about neighborhood. void node::init_replica(node* u, node* c) { set_post_order_index(u->post_order_index()); set_2nd_label(BOUNDARY_PATH); _original_node = (u->type() == REPLICA_NODE)? u->original_node() : u; _c_node = c; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LABELING //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void node::set_1st_label(int i) {_label.first = i;} void node::set_2nd_label(label i) {_label.second = i;} int node::get_1st_label() {return _label.first;} label node::get_2nd_label() {return _label.second;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C-NODE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- node* node::get_a_list_node() { return _essential_list[0]; } int node::c_node_size() { return _essential_list.size(); } node* node::essential(int i) { return _essential_list[i]; } void node::clear_essential() {_essential_list.clear();} void node::add_essential(node* u) {_essential_list.push_back(u);} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MARK //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void node::mark() {_mark = _ref_mark;} void node::init_mark() {++_ref_mark;} void node::un_mark() {_mark = 0;} bool node::is_marked() {return _mark == _ref_mark;} int node::_ref_mark = 1;