
115 lines
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import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
group_number = 1
# Load the CSV files
test_path = f'post_process/tfidf_class/0.class_document/{group_number}/test_p_c.csv'
test_path = f'post_process/tfidf_class/0.class_document/{group_number}/test_p_c_r.csv'
ship_data_list_reference_doc_file_path = f'post_process/tfidf_class/0.class_document/{group_number}/sdl_class_rdoc.csv'
test_csv = pd.read_csv(test_path, low_memory=False)
sdl_rdoc = pd.read_csv(ship_data_list_reference_doc_file_path)
# Initialize new columns in test_csv
test_csv['s_score'] = -1
test_csv['s_thing'] = ''
test_csv['s_property'] = ''
test_csv['s_correct'] = False
duplicate_filtered = test_csv[(test_csv['p_MDM'] == True)].copy()
# Create a mapping from thing/property to reference_doc
thing_property_to_reference_doc = sdl_rdoc.set_index(['thing', 'property'])['tag_description'].to_dict()
# Calculate s_score for duplicate rows
for ships_idx, group in tqdm(duplicate_filtered.groupby('ships_idx'), desc="Processing duplicates"):
for (p_thing, p_property), sub_group in group.groupby(['p_thing', 'p_property']):
sub_group = sub_group.copy()
tag_descriptions = sub_group['tag_description'].tolist()
# Get the reference document for the corresponding p_thing and p_property
reference_doc = thing_property_to_reference_doc.get((p_thing, p_property), '')
if reference_doc:
# Combine the tag_descriptions and the reference_doc for fit_transform
combined_descriptions = tag_descriptions + [reference_doc]
# Create a new TF-IDF Vectorizer for this specific group
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
norm='l2', # Use L2 normalization
ngram_range=(1, 7), # Use both unigrams and bigrams
# Fit and transform the combined descriptions
tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(combined_descriptions)
# Separate the test_tfidf_matrix and reference_vector
test_tfidf_matrix = tfidf_matrix[:-1] # All but the last one
reference_vector = tfidf_matrix[-1] # The last one
# Calculate the cosine similarity between the test descriptions and the reference_doc
sub_group['s_score'] = cosine_similarity(test_tfidf_matrix, reference_vector).flatten()
sub_group['s_score'] = 0
# Update the s_score values back into the original test_csv
duplicate_filtered.loc[sub_group.index, 's_score'] = sub_group['s_score']
for ships_idx, group in tqdm(duplicate_filtered.groupby('ships_idx'), desc="Processing duplicates"):
for (p_thing, p_property), sub_group in group.groupby(['p_thing', 'p_property']):
if (sub_group['s_score'] == -1).any():
best_index = sub_group.index.min()
# Find the index of the row with the highest s_score
best_index = sub_group['s_score'].idxmax()
row_position = sub_group.index.get_loc(best_index)
# Assign s_thing and s_property only to the row with the highest s_score
duplicate_filtered.at[best_index, 's_thing'] = sub_group.at[best_index, 'p_thing']
duplicate_filtered.at[best_index, 's_property'] = sub_group.at[best_index, 'p_property']
# Now, update the original test_csv with the changes made in duplicate_filtered
test_csv.update(duplicate_filtered[['s_thing', 's_property', 's_score']])
# Calculate s_correct
test_csv['s_correct'] = ((test_csv['thing'] == test_csv['s_thing']) &
(test_csv['property'] == test_csv['s_property']) &
# Calculate the percentage of correct s_thing and s_property
mdm_true_count = test_csv['MDM'].sum()
s_correct_count = test_csv['s_correct'].sum()
s_correct_percentage = (s_correct_count / mdm_true_count) * 100
print(f"s_correct count: {s_correct_count}")
print(f"MDM true count: {mdm_true_count}")
print(f"s_correct percentage: {s_correct_percentage:.2f}%")
# Save the updated DataFrame to a new CSV file
output_path = test_path = f'post_process/0.result/{group_number}/test_s.csv'
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True)
test_csv.to_csv(output_path, index=False, encoding='utf-8-sig')
print(f"Updated data saved to {output_path}")
# Check for duplicates in s_thing and s_property within each ships_idx
print("\nShips_idx with duplicate s_thing and s_property:")
duplicate_ships_idx = []
for ships_idx, group in test_csv.groupby('ships_idx'):
# Exclude rows with empty s_thing or s_property
non_empty_group = group[(group['s_thing'] != '') & (group['s_property'] != '')]
duplicate_entries = non_empty_group[non_empty_group.duplicated(subset=['s_thing', 's_property'], keep=False)]
if not duplicate_entries.empty:
print(f"Ships_idx: {ships_idx}")
print(duplicate_entries[['s_thing', 's_property']])
if not duplicate_ships_idx:
print("No duplicates found.")