252 lines
9.5 KiB
252 lines
9.5 KiB
# %%
import pandas as pd
from utils import Retriever, cosine_similarity_chunked
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
def analysis_for_fold(fold):
file_object = open(f'exports/output_{fold}.txt', 'w')
# %%
data_path = f'../../train/mapping_pattern/mapping_prediction/exports/result_group_{fold}.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(data_path, skipinitialspace=True)
# %%
# subset to mdm
df = df[df['MDM']]
thing_condition = df['p_thing'] == df['thing_pattern']
error_thing_df = df[~thing_condition][['tag_description', 'thing_pattern','p_thing']]
property_condition = df['p_property'] == df['property_pattern']
error_property_df = df[~property_condition][['tag_description', 'property_pattern','p_property']]
correct_df = df[thing_condition & property_condition][['tag_description', 'property_pattern', 'p_property']]
test_df = df
# %%
print("Number of errors related to 'thing'", len(error_thing_df), file=file_object)
print("Number of errors related to 'property'", len(error_property_df), file=file_object)
# %%
# thing_df.to_html('thing_errors.html')
# property_df.to_html('property_errors.html')
# what we need now is understand why the model is making these mispredictions
# import train data and test data
# %%
class Embedder():
input_df: pd.DataFrame
fold: int
def __init__(self, input_df):
self.input_df = input_df
def make_embedding(self, checkpoint_path):
def generate_input_list(df):
input_list = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
desc = f"<DESC>{row['tag_description']}<DESC>"
unit = f"<UNIT>{row['unit']}<UNIT>"
element = f"{desc}{unit}"
return input_list
# prepare reference embed
train_data = list(generate_input_list(self.input_df))
# Define the directory and the pattern
retriever_train = Retriever(train_data, checkpoint_path)
return retriever_train.embeddings.to('cpu')
# %%
data_path = f"../../data_preprocess/exports/dataset/group_{fold}/train_all.csv"
train_df = pd.read_csv(data_path, skipinitialspace=True)
checkpoint_directory = "../../train/classification_bert"
directory = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, f'checkpoint_fold_{fold}')
# Use glob to find matching paths
# path is usually checkpoint_fold_1/checkpoint-<step number>
# we are guaranteed to save only 1 checkpoint from training
pattern = 'checkpoint-*'
checkpoint_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, pattern))[0]
train_embedder = Embedder(input_df=train_df)
train_embeds = train_embedder.make_embedding(checkpoint_path)
test_embedder = Embedder(input_df=test_df)
test_embeds = test_embedder.make_embedding(checkpoint_path)
# %%
# test embeds are inputs since we are looking back at train data
cos_sim_matrix = cosine_similarity_chunked(test_embeds, train_embeds, chunk_size=8).cpu().numpy()
# %%
# the following function takes in a full cos_sim_matrix
# condition_source: boolean selectors of the source embedding
# condition_target: boolean selectors of the target embedding
def find_closest(cos_sim_matrix, condition_source, condition_target):
# subset_matrix = cos_sim_matrix[condition_source]
# except we are subsetting 2D matrix (row, column)
subset_matrix = cos_sim_matrix[np.ix_(condition_source, condition_target)]
# we select top k here
# Get the indices of the top 5 maximum values along axis 1
top_k = 3
top_k_indices = np.argsort(subset_matrix, axis=1)[:, -top_k:] # Get indices of top k values
# note that top_k_indices is a nested list because of the 2d nature of the matrix
# the result is flipped
top_k_indices[0] = top_k_indices[0][::-1]
# Get the values of the top 5 maximum scores
top_k_values = np.take_along_axis(subset_matrix, top_k_indices, axis=1)
return top_k_indices, top_k_values
# special find-back code
# %%
def find_back_element_with_print(select_idx):
condition_source = test_df['tag_description'] == test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['tag_description'].tolist()[0]
condition_target = np.ones(train_embeds.shape[0], dtype=bool)
top_k_indices, top_k_values = find_closest(
training_data_pattern_list = train_df.iloc[top_k_indices[0]]['pattern'].to_list()
training_desc_list = train_df.iloc[top_k_indices[0]]['tag_description'].to_list()
test_data_pattern_list = test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['pattern'].to_list()
test_desc_list = test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['tag_description'].to_list()
test_ship_id = test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['ships_idx'].to_list()[0]
predicted_test_data = test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['p_thing'] + ' ' + test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['p_property']
predicted_test_data = predicted_test_data.to_list()[0]
print("*" * 20, file=file_object)
print("idx:", select_idx, file=file_object)
print("train desc", training_desc_list, file=file_object)
print("train thing+property", training_data_pattern_list, file=file_object)
print("test desc", test_desc_list, file=file_object)
print("test thing+property", test_data_pattern_list, file=file_object)
print("predicted thing+property", predicted_test_data, file=file_object)
print("ships idx", test_ship_id, file=file_object)
print("score:", top_k_values[0], file=file_object)
test_pattern = test_data_pattern_list[0]
find_back_list = [ test_pattern in pattern for pattern in training_data_pattern_list ]
if sum(find_back_list) > 0:
return True
return False
# %%
# for error thing
print('\n', file=file_object)
print('*' * 80, file=file_object)
print('Error analysis for thing errors', file=file_object)
pattern_in_train = []
for select_idx in error_thing_df.index:
result = find_back_element_with_print(select_idx)
print("status:", result, file=file_object)
proportion_in_train = sum(pattern_in_train)/len(pattern_in_train)
print('\n', file=file_object)
print('*' * 80, file=file_object)
print("Proportion of entries found in training data", proportion_in_train, file=file_object)
# for error property
# %%
print('\n', file=file_object)
print('*' * 80, file=file_object)
print('Error analysis for property errors', file=file_object)
pattern_in_train = []
for select_idx in error_property_df.index:
result = find_back_element_with_print(select_idx)
print("status:", result, file=file_object)
proportion_in_train = sum(pattern_in_train)/len(pattern_in_train)
print('\n', file=file_object)
print('*' * 80, file=file_object)
print("Proportion of entries found in training data", proportion_in_train, file=file_object)
# %%
# make function to compute similarity of closest retrieved result
def compute_similarity(select_idx):
condition_source = test_df['tag_description'] == test_df[test_df.index == select_idx]['tag_description'].tolist()[0]
condition_target = np.ones(train_embeds.shape[0], dtype=bool)
top_k_indices, top_k_values = find_closest(
return np.mean(top_k_values[0])
# %%
def print_summary(similarity_scores):
# Convert list to numpy array for additional stats
np_array = np.array(similarity_scores)
# Get stats
mean_value = np.mean(np_array)
percentiles = np.percentile(np_array, [25, 50, 75]) # 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles
# Display numpy results
print("Mean:", mean_value, file=file_object)
print("25th, 50th, 75th Percentiles:", percentiles, file=file_object)
# %%
# Analyze the degree of similarity differences between correct and incorrect results
print('\n', file=file_object)
print("*" * 80, file=file_object)
print("This section analyzes the similarity statistics for the error and correct groups", file=file_object)
# %%
# compute similarity scores for all values in error_thing_df
similarity_thing_scores = []
for idx in error_thing_df.index:
# %%
similarity_property_scores = []
for idx in error_property_df.index:
# %%
similarity_correct_scores = []
for idx in correct_df.index:
for fold in [1,2,3,4,5]:
print(f"running for fold {fold}")