# stardard functionalities for computing triplet loss, borrow code from # https://github.com/NegatioN/OnlineMiningTripletLoss/blob/master/online_triplet_loss/losses.py import torch import torch.nn.functional as F def _pairwise_distances(embeddings, squared=False): """Compute the 2D matrix of distances between all the embeddings. Args: embeddings: tensor of shape (batch_size, embed_dim) squared: Boolean. If true, output is the pairwise squared euclidean distance matrix. If false, output is the pairwise euclidean distance matrix. Returns: pairwise_distances: tensor of shape (batch_size, batch_size) """ dot_product = torch.matmul(embeddings, embeddings.t()) # Get squared L2 norm for each embedding. We can just take the diagonal of `dot_product`. # This also provides more numerical stability (the diagonal of the result will be exactly 0). # shape (batch_size,) square_norm = torch.diag(dot_product) # Compute the pairwise distance matrix as we have: # ||a - b||^2 = ||a||^2 - 2 + ||b||^2 # shape (batch_size, batch_size) distances = square_norm.unsqueeze(0) - 2.0 * dot_product + square_norm.unsqueeze(1) # Apply a lower bound to distances to ensure they are non-negative and avoid tiny negative numbers due to computation errors distances = torch.clamp(distances, min=0.0) if not squared: # Because the gradient of sqrt is infinite when distances == 0.0 (ex: on the diagonal) # we need to add a small epsilon where distances == 0.0 epsilon = 1e-16 mask = (distances < epsilon).float() distances = distances + mask * epsilon distances = (1.0 - mask) * torch.sqrt(distances) return distances def _get_triplet_mask(labels): """Return a 3D mask where mask[a, p, n] is True iff the triplet (a, p, n) is valid. A triplet (i, j, k) is valid if: - i, j, k are distinct - labels[i] == labels[j] and labels[i] != labels[k] Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] """ # Check that i, j and k are distinct indices_equal = torch.eye(labels.size(0), device=labels.device).bool() indices_not_equal = ~indices_equal i_not_equal_j = indices_not_equal.unsqueeze(2) i_not_equal_k = indices_not_equal.unsqueeze(1) j_not_equal_k = indices_not_equal.unsqueeze(0) # ensures that none of the values use diagonal values (where at least 2 values are the same) distinct_indices = (i_not_equal_j & i_not_equal_k) & j_not_equal_k label_equal = labels.unsqueeze(0) == labels.unsqueeze(1) i_equal_j = label_equal.unsqueeze(2) i_equal_k = label_equal.unsqueeze(1) # valid triplets are (i,j) sharing same label and # (i,k) having different labels valid_labels = ~i_equal_k & i_equal_j return valid_labels & distinct_indices def _get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels): """Return a 2D mask where mask[a, p] is True iff a and p are distinct and have same label. Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] Returns: mask: tf.bool `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, batch_size] """ # Check that i and j are distinct indices_equal = torch.eye(labels.size(0), device=labels.device).bool() indices_not_equal = ~indices_equal # Check if labels[i] == labels[j] # Uses broadcasting where the 1st argument has shape (1, batch_size) and the 2nd (batch_size, 1) labels_equal = labels.unsqueeze(0) == labels.unsqueeze(1) return labels_equal & indices_not_equal def _get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(labels): """Return a 2D mask where mask[a, n] is True iff a and n have distinct labels. Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] Returns: mask: tf.bool `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, batch_size] """ # Check if labels[i] != labels[k] # Uses broadcasting where the 1st argument has shape (1, batch_size) and the 2nd (batch_size, 1) return ~(labels.unsqueeze(0) == labels.unsqueeze(1)) # Cell def batch_hard_triplet_loss(labels, embeddings, margin, squared=False): """Build the triplet loss over a batch of embeddings. For each anchor, we get the hardest positive and hardest negative to form a triplet. Args: labels: labels of the batch, of size (batch_size,) embeddings: tensor of shape (batch_size, embed_dim) margin: margin for triplet loss squared: Boolean. If true, output is the pairwise squared euclidean distance matrix. If false, output is the pairwise euclidean distance matrix. Returns: triplet_loss: scalar tensor containing the triplet loss """ # Get the pairwise distance matrix pairwise_dist = _pairwise_distances(embeddings, squared=squared) # For each anchor, get the hardest positive # First, we need to get a mask for every valid positive (they should have same label) mask_anchor_positive = _get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels).float() # We put to 0 any element where (a, p) is not valid (valid if a != p and label(a) == label(p)) anchor_positive_dist = mask_anchor_positive * pairwise_dist # shape (batch_size, 1) hardest_positive_dist, _ = anchor_positive_dist.max(1, keepdim=True) # For each anchor, get the hardest negative # First, we need to get a mask for every valid negative (they should have different labels) mask_anchor_negative = _get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(labels).float() # We add the maximum value in each row to the invalid negatives (label(a) == label(n)) max_anchor_negative_dist, _ = pairwise_dist.max(1, keepdim=True) anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_dist + max_anchor_negative_dist * (1.0 - mask_anchor_negative) # shape (batch_size,) hardest_negative_dist, _ = anchor_negative_dist.min(1, keepdim=True) # Combine biggest d(a, p) and smallest d(a, n) into final triplet loss tl = hardest_positive_dist - hardest_negative_dist + margin tl = F.relu(tl) triplet_loss = tl.mean() return triplet_loss # Cell def batch_all_triplet_loss(labels, embeddings, margin, squared=False): """Build the triplet loss over a batch of embeddings. We generate all the valid triplets and average the loss over the positive ones. Args: labels: labels of the batch, of size (batch_size,) embeddings: tensor of shape (batch_size, embed_dim) margin: margin for triplet loss squared: Boolean. If true, output is the pairwise squared euclidean distance matrix. If false, output is the pairwise euclidean distance matrix. Returns: triplet_loss: scalar tensor containing the triplet loss """ # Get the pairwise distance matrix pairwise_dist = _pairwise_distances(embeddings, squared=squared) anchor_positive_dist = pairwise_dist.unsqueeze(2) anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_dist.unsqueeze(1) # Compute a 3D tensor of size (batch_size, batch_size, batch_size) # triplet_loss[i, j, k] will contain the triplet loss of anchor=i, positive=j, negative=k # Uses broadcasting where the 1st argument has shape (batch_size, batch_size, 1) # and the 2nd (batch_size, 1, batch_size) triplet_loss = anchor_positive_dist - anchor_negative_dist + margin # Put to zero the invalid triplets # (where label(a) != label(p) or label(n) == label(a) or a == p) mask = _get_triplet_mask(labels) triplet_loss = mask.float() * triplet_loss # Remove negative losses (i.e. the easy triplets) triplet_loss = F.relu(triplet_loss) # Count number of positive triplets (where triplet_loss > 0) valid_triplets = triplet_loss[triplet_loss > 1e-16] num_positive_triplets = valid_triplets.size(0) num_valid_triplets = mask.sum() fraction_positive_triplets = num_positive_triplets / (num_valid_triplets.float() + 1e-16) # Get final mean triplet loss over the positive valid triplets triplet_loss = triplet_loss.sum() / (num_positive_triplets + 1e-16) return triplet_loss, fraction_positive_triplets