clear; clc; path(path,'Functions') addpath(genpath('Aging scenarios')) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 0) Select model and load parameters for battery life (degradation), % performance (ocv relationships), and load aging test data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% validModels = {... 'NMC|Gr',... 'LFP|Gr'... }; idxModels = listdlg('ListString', validModels,... 'PromptString', "Specify battery models.",... 'Name', 'Specify model',... 'ListSize', [300 300]); assert(~isempty(idxModels), "Must select a model.") %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 1) Select application profile to simulate %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% applicationProfiles = dir('Application profiles/*.mat'); driveCycles = dir('Application profiles\*.csv'); applicationProfiles = {,}; idx = listdlg('ListString', applicationProfiles,... 'PromptString', "Pick an application profile.",... 'ListSize', [300 300]); assert(~isempty(idx), "Must select an application profile.") % Ask for user options inputs = {'Ambient temperature in Celsius (-Inf to select a climate):', 'Simulation length in years:'}; dims = [1 50]; defaults = {'-Inf', '20'}; out = inputdlg(inputs, 'Specify simulation options.', dims, defaults); TdegC = str2double(out{1}); dtdays = 1; tYears = str2double(out{2}); if TdegC == -Inf load('Climate data\Top100MSA_hourlyClimateData.mat', 'TMY_data_locations','TMY_ambTemp_degC') idxClimate = listdlg('ListString', TMY_data_locations',... 'PromptString', "Specify climate(s) for battery life simulation:",... 'ListSize', [300 300]); TdegC = cell(length(idxClimate), 1); for i = 1:length(TdegC) TdegC{i} = TMY_ambTemp_degC(:, idxClimate(i)); end climates = TMY_data_locations(idxClimate); end % Thermal management thermalManagement = questdlg('Specify thermal management strategy:',... 'Thermal management',... 'None', 'During charge/discharge', 'Always',... 'None'); switch thermalManagement case {'During charge/discharge'; 'Always'} out = inputdlg(... {'Minimum allowed temperature (C)', 'Maximum allowed temperature (C)'},... 'Specify temperature limits.', ... [1 50],... {'10', '40'}); thermalManagement_MinT = str2double(out{1}); thermalManagement_MaxT = str2double(out{2}); assert(thermalManagement_MinT < thermalManagement_MaxT, "Max temperature must be greater than min temperature.") end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 2) Loop through selected data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % struct to store outputs: simulations = struct(); simIdx = 1; for scenarioIdx = idx scenario = applicationProfiles{scenarioIdx}; fprintf("Application profile: %s\n", scenario) disp("Loading application profile...") if contains(scenario, '.mat') switch scenario case 'FCR_1PE_LFP.mat' load(['Application profiles/', scenario], 'reference_soc'); soc = reference_soc./100; clearvars reference_soc tsec = [0:1:length(soc)-1]'; cycle = table(tsec, soc); clearvars t tsec soc % Downsample the data from 1 second resolution cycle = cycle(1:30:height(cycle), :); case 'PS_3Cluster_1.mat' load(['Application profiles/', scenario], 'reference_soc'); soc = reference_soc./100; clearvars reference_soc tsec = [0:1:length(soc)-1]'; cycle = table(tsec, soc); clearvars t tsec soc % Downsample the data from 1 second resolution cycle = cycle(1:30:height(cycle), :); case 'PVBESS_FeedInDamp.mat' load(['Application profiles/', scenario], 'reference_soc'); soc = reference_soc./100; clearvars reference_soc tsec = [0:1:length(soc)-1]'; cycle = table(tsec, soc); clearvars t tsec soc % Downsample the data from 1 second resolution cycle = cycle(1:30:height(cycle), :); % For the BESS system, apply a 5% minimum SOC cycle.soc = cycle.soc.*0.95 + 0.05; end elseif contains(scenario, '.csv') % FastSim input profile opts = delimitedTextImportOptions("NumVariables", 2); % Specify range and delimiter opts.DataLines = [2, Inf]; opts.Delimiter = ","; % Specify column names and types opts.VariableNames = ["tsec", "soc"]; opts.VariableTypes = ["double", "double"]; % Specify file level properties opts.ExtraColumnsRule = "ignore"; opts.EmptyLineRule = "read"; % Import the data cycle = readtable(['Application profiles/', scenario], opts); % Downsample the data from (assumed) 1 second resolution cycle = cycle(1:30:height(cycle), :); % Ensure SOC beginning and end points are identical assert(cycle.soc(1) - cycle.soc(end) < 1e-2, "Start and end SOC of application profile must be within 1% for realistic simulation.") % Repeat the profile for 1 year cycle = repmat(cycle, ceil((3600*24*365)/cycle.tsec(end)), 1); cycle.tsec(:) = 0:30:(30*(height(cycle)-1)); cycle = cycle(cycle.tsec <= 3600*24*365, :); else error('Application file-type not recognized.') end % Extract stress statistics for this scenario cycleLengthDays = round(cycle.tsec(end)./(24*3600)); for iClimate = 1:length(TdegC) % 7 output stressors x number of days stressors = zeros(ceil(cycleLengthDays/dtdays), 7); % temperature if iscell(TdegC) TdegC_cycle = TdegC{iClimate}; t_sec_TdegC = [1:8760].*3600; cycle.TdegC = makima(t_sec_TdegC, TdegC_cycle, cycle.tsec); else cycle.TdegC = repmat(TdegC, length(cycle.tsec), 1); end disp("Processing application data...") if height(cycle) > 1e5 flagwb = 1; wb = waitbar(0, "Processing application data..."); pause(1e-9); tic; else flagwb = 0; end for iDay=1:dtdays:cycleLengthDays if flagwb secs_elapsed = toc; waitbar(iDay/cycleLengthDays, wb, "Calculating daily battery stress...") end % Break the long supercycle up into a smaller cycle for this timestep startDaySubcycle = mod(iDay-1, cycleLengthDays); [~, ind_start] = min(abs(cycle.tsec - startDaySubcycle*24*3600)); [~, ind_end] = min(abs(cycle.tsec - (startDaySubcycle + dtdays)*24*3600)); subcycle = struct(); subcycle.tsec = cycle.tsec(ind_start:ind_end) - cycle.tsec(ind_start); subcycle.t = subcycle.tsec ./ (24*3600); subcycle.soc = cycle.soc(ind_start:ind_end); subcycle.TdegC = cycle.TdegC(ind_start:ind_end); if length(subcycle.t) == 1 error('help!') end % Thermal management switch thermalManagement case 'During charge/discharge' mask = abs([0; diff(subcycle.soc)]) > 1e-6; mask_lowT = mask & subcycle.TdegC < thermalManagement_MinT; mask_highT = mask & subcycle.TdegC > thermalManagement_MaxT; subcycle.TdegC(mask_lowT) = thermalManagement_MinT; subcycle.TdegC(mask_highT) = thermalManagement_MaxT; case 'Always' subcycle.TdegC(subcycle.TdegC < thermalManagement_MinT) = thermalManagement_MinT; subcycle.TdegC(subcycle.TdegC > thermalManagement_MaxT) = thermalManagement_MaxT; end % Extract stressors for this timestep subcycle = struct2table(subcycle); subcycle = func_LifeMdl_StressStatistics(subcycle); % input stressors into the matrix stressors(ceil(iDay/dtdays), :) = [subcycle.dt, subcycle.dEFC, subcycle.TdegK, subcycle.soc, subcycle.Ua, subcycle.dod, subcycle.Crate]; end % Fix last day (dt != dtdays, if cycle length isn't perfect) if iDay == cycleLengthDays subcycle.dt = dtdays; end stressors = array2table(stressors, 'VariableNames', {'dt','dEFC','TdegK','soc','Ua','dod','Crate'}); if flagwb % close the wait bar close(wb); end % Step through battery types for iModel = idxModels model = validModels{iModel}; disp("Running " + model + " battery life simulation...") lifeMdl = func_LifeMdl_LoadParameters(model); % Run life simulation lifeSim = runLifeSim(lifeMdl, stressors, tYears); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 5) Plot outputs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% figure; tl = tiledlayout(2,1); if iscell(TdegC) title(tl, sprintf("Model: %s\nApplication: %s\nClimate: %s", model, scenario, climates{iClimate}), 'Interpreter', 'none') else title(tl, sprintf("Model: %s\nApplication: %s\nClimate: %d C", model, scenario, TdegC), 'Interpreter', 'none') end switch model case 'NMC|Gr' nexttile; box on; hold on; plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.q, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.q_LLI, ':b', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.q_LAM, ':m', 'LineWidth', 1.5) xlabel('Time (years)'); ylabel('Relative discharge capacity'); axis([0 tYears 0.7 1.02]) legend('Overall', 'Lithium Inventory', 'Active Material', 'Location', 'southwest') nexttile; box on; hold on; plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.r, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.r_LLI, ':b', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.r_LAM, ':m', 'LineWidth', 1.5) xlabel('Time (years)'); ylabel('Relative DC resistance'); axis([0 tYears 0.98 4]) legend('Overall', 'Lithium Inventory', 'Active Material', 'Location', 'northwest') case 'LFP|Gr' nexttile; box on; hold on; plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.q, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, 1-lifeSim.qLossCal, ':b', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, 1-lifeSim.qLossCyc, ':m', 'LineWidth', 1.5) xlabel('Time (years)'); ylabel('Relative discharge capacity'); axis([0 tYears 0.7 1.02]) legend('Overall', 'Calendar degradation', 'Cycling degradation', 'Location', 'southwest') nexttile; box on; hold on; plot(lifeSim.t./365, lifeSim.r, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, 1+lifeSim.rGainCal, ':b', 'LineWidth', 1.5) plot(lifeSim.t./365, 1+lifeSim.rGainCyc, ':m', 'LineWidth', 1.5) xlabel('Time (years)'); ylabel('Relative DC resistance'); axis([0 tYears 0.98 2]) legend('Overall', 'Calendar degradation', 'Cycling degradation', 'Location', 'northwest') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 5) Store outputs in struct %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% simulations(simIdx).model = model; simulations(simIdx).application = scenario; if iscell(TdegC) simulations(simIdx).climate = climates{iClimate}; else simulations(simIdx).climate = sprintf("%d Celcius", TdegC); end simulations(simIdx).thermalManagement = thermalManagement; switch thermalManagement case {'During charge/discharge'; 'Always'} simulations(simIdx).MaxT = thermalManagement_MaxT; simulations(simIdx).MinT = thermalManagement_MinT; end simulations(simIdx).results = lifeSim; simIdx = simIdx + 1; end end end disp(" ") disp('Exporting simulation results to file.') fnameout = "Simulation results\battery life simulation " + string(datetime("now", "Format", "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")) + ".xls"; warning('off') for i = 1:length(simulations) c = {... 'Model:', simulations(i).model;... 'Application:', simulations(i).application;... 'Climate:', simulations(i).climate;... 'Thermal Management:', simulations(i).thermalManagement}; switch thermalManagement case {'During charge/discharge', 'Always'} c = [c; {'Min Temp.:', simulations(i).MinT;... 'Max Temp.:', simulations(i).MaxT}]; end if i == 1 writecell(c, fnameout, 'Sheet', i) else writecell(c, fnameout, 'Sheet', i, 'WriteMode', 'append') end switch simulations(i).model case 'NMC|Gr' columnheaders = {'t','EFC','q','q_LLI','q_LAM','r','r_LLI','r_LAM'}; writecell(columnheaders, fnameout, 'Sheet', i, 'WriteMode', 'append') columnvalues = [... simulations(i).results.t';... simulations(i).results.EFC';... simulations(i).results.q';... simulations(i).results.q_LLI';... simulations(i).results.q_LAM';... simulations(i).results.r';... simulations(i).results.r_LLI';... simulations(i).results.r_LAM';... ]'; writematrix(columnvalues, fnameout, 'Sheet', i, 'WriteMode', 'append') case 'LFP|Gr' columnheaders = {'t','EFC','q','qLossCal','qLossCyc','r','rGainCal','rGainCyc'}; writecell(columnheaders, fnameout, 'Sheet', i, 'WriteMode', 'append') columnvalues = [... simulations(i).results.t';... simulations(i).results.EFC';... simulations(i).results.q';... simulations(i).results.qLossCal';... simulations(i).results.qLossCyc';... simulations(i).results.r';... simulations(i).results.rGainCal';... simulations(i).results.rGainCyc';... ]'; writematrix(columnvalues, fnameout, 'Sheet', i, 'WriteMode', 'append') end end %% Helper functions: function lifeSim = runLifeSim(lifeMdl, stressors, t_years) lifeSim.t = [0:stressors.dt(1):(t_years*365)]'; lifeSim.EFC = zeros(size(lifeSim.t)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 5) Life simulation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xx0 = zeros(lifeMdl.n_states, 1); % initialize life model states to zero at beginning of life xx0(3) = 1e-8; xx = zeros(lifeMdl.n_states, length(lifeSim.t)); % initialize memory for storing states throughout life yy = ones(lifeMdl.n_outputs, length(lifeSim.t)); % initialize memory for storing outputs throughout life % customize initial states/outputs for each model switch lifeMdl.model case 'NMC|Gr' yy(5, :) = 1.01; % Initialize LAM for NMC|Gr model case 'LFP|Gr' yy([2,3,5,6], :) = 0; end % wait bar wb = waitbar(0, sprintf('Running %s simulation', lifeMdl.model)); pause(1e-9); tic; % time marching loop steps_life_sim = length(lifeSim.t)-1; for j=1:steps_life_sim secs_elapsed = toc; waitbar(j/steps_life_sim, wb,... sprintf('Running simulation (step %d/%d, %d seconds left)', j, steps_life_sim, floor(((secs_elapsed/j)*steps_life_sim)-secs_elapsed))); pause(1e-9); % Extract stressors for this timestep idxRow = mod(j-1, size(stressors, 1)) + 1; % Cumulatively sum equivalent full cycles lifeSim.EFC(j+1) = lifeSim.EFC(j) + stressors.dEFC(idxRow); % integrate state equations to get updated states, xx xx(:,j+1) = func_LifeMdl_UpdateStates(lifeMdl, stressors(idxRow, :), xx0(:, 1)); % calculate output equations to get life model outputs, yy yy(:,j+1) = func_LifeMdl_UpdateOutput(lifeMdl, xx(:, j+1)); % store states for next timestep xx0(:,1) = xx(:,j+1); end % Store results switch lifeMdl.model case 'NMC|Gr' lifeSim.q = yy(1,:)'; lifeSim.q_LLI = yy(2,:)'; lifeSim.q_LLI_t = yy(3,:)'; lifeSim.q_LLI_EFC = yy(4,:)'; lifeSim.q_LAM = yy(5,:)'; lifeSim.r = yy(6,:)'; lifeSim.r_LLI = yy(7,:)'; lifeSim.r_LLI_t = yy(8,:)'; lifeSim.r_LLI_EFC = yy(9,:)'; lifeSim.r_LAM = yy(10,:)'; case 'LFP|Gr' lifeSim.q = yy(1,:)'; lifeSim.qLossCal = yy(2,:)'; lifeSim.qLossCyc = yy(3,:)'; lifeSim.r = yy(4,:)'; lifeSim.rGainCal = yy(5,:)'; lifeSim.rGainCyc = yy(6,:)'; end % close the wait bar close(wb); end