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2023-04-22 06:22:19 +09:00
function cycle = func_LifeMdl_StressStatistics(cycle)
% Adds to "cycle" structure additional aging stress statistics.
% Scalars:
% cycle.Crate_rms,Crate_disrms,Crate_chgrms
% Vectors: (using rainflow algorithm)
% cycle.dsoc_i,ncyc_i,Crate_dis_i,Crate_chg_i,TavgK_i,socavg_i...
% Copyright Kandler Smith & Ying Shi, NREL 6/2013
Input timeseries:
cycle.t: time in days
cycle.soc: soc in normal units, 0 to 1
cycle.TdegC: temperature in celsius
cycle.dt: Time difference in days
cycle.dEFC: Equvialent full cycles during this period
cycle.TdegK: Time weighted average of temperature
cycle.soc: Time weighted average of soc
cycle.Ua: Time weighted average of Ua
cycle.dod: Difference b/w max and min SOC
cycle.Crate: Time weighted average of Crate in non-resting periods
% dt
dt = cycle.t(end) - cycle.t(1);
% TdegK
TdegK = trapz(cycle.t, cycle.TdegC + 273.15)/dt;
% soc
soc = trapz(cycle.t, cycle.soc)/dt;
% Ua:
x_a_eq = @(SOC) 8.5e-3 + SOC.*(7.8e-1 - 8.5e-3);
Ua_eq = @(x_a) 0.6379 + 0.5416.*exp(-305.5309.*x_a) + 0.044.*tanh(-1.*(x_a-0.1958)./0.1088) - 0.1978.*tanh((x_a-1.0571)./0.0854) - 0.6875.*tanh((x_a+0.0117)./0.0529) - 0.0175.*tanh((x_a-0.5692)./0.0875);
Ua = Ua_eq(x_a_eq(soc));
dod = max(cycle.soc) - min(cycle.soc);
% Crate
Crate = diff(cycle.soc)./diff(cycle.t .* 24);
% Crate is the average of the non-zero rates (Absolute value)
% Any rate smaller than a 1000 hour chg/dischg rate is
% considered to be negligible.
Crate = abs(Crate);
maskNonResting = Crate > 1e-3;
if any(maskNonResting)
Crate = Crate(maskNonResting);
difft = diff(cycle.t);
difft = difft(maskNonResting);
tNonResting = cumsum(difft);
Crate = trapz(tNonResting, Crate)/(tNonResting(end)-tNonResting(1));
Crate = 0;
% dEFC
dEFC = sum(abs(diff(cycle.soc)))/2;
% output the extracted stress statistics
cycle = struct();
cycle.dt = dt;
cycle.dEFC = dEFC;
cycle.TdegK = TdegK;
cycle.soc = soc;
cycle.Ua = Ua;
cycle.dod = dod;
cycle.Crate = Crate;