BatterySimulatorBLAST/matlab/Application profiles/sources.txt

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2023-04-22 06:22:19 +09:00
Electric vehicle battery application profiles:
EV battery profiles are 1 week of simulated battery use.
'personal_ev_largebatt.csv': generated using NREL's FASTSim tool. Large EV battery (300+ miles range) only requires 1 partial charge and 1 full charge per week, assuming daily driving and a long weekend trip.
'personal_ev_smallbatt.csv': generated using NREL's FASTSim tool. Smaller EV battery has less range, so it is discharged more deeply and requires more charging events than a large battery.
Stationary storage battery application profiles:
All stationary storage application profiles are simulated battery load from real-world power demands. FCR and PV_BESS are 1 month, peak shaving is 1 year.
Profiles were provided open-source by Kucevic et al,
'FCR_1PE_LFP.mat': Frequency containment reserve application - constant low depth-of-discharge use.
'PS_3Cluster_1.mat': Peak-shaving application - only shaves high demand peaks in warmer months.
'PVBESS_FeedInDamp.mat': Residential solar + battery - battery charges and discharges ~1 time every single day, with varying depth of discharge.